Updating Audiences

In this article, you learn how to update audiences you onboarded or activated through digitalAudience.


  • You have onboarded your data through digitalAudience Portal, via S3 bucket or SFTP.

Update Audience Data

First, you need to receive access to a storage:

If the storage is from digitalAudience:

  • If it is a digitalAudience S3 bucket, request an access key, secret key, bucket name and a region name

  • If it is a digitalAudience SFTP, request a server name, port number, and a user name

If the storage is from the Advertiser:

  • If it is a S3 bucket from the Advertiser, provide digitalAudience with an access key, secret key, bucket name and a region name

  • If it is an Azure Blob Storage from the Advertiser, provide digitalAudience with an accountname and an accountKey or a Shared Access (SAS) token

Then follow these steps:

  • Prepare a CSV file with hashed records according to the requirements outlined in the formatting guidelines.

  • From the Audience page in the Portal, retrieve the audience ID that needs to be updated

  • Specify a path for the file onboard/audience={audience ID}/{Audience update mode}/{Name of the CSV file in YYYYMMDD_HHmmss.csv format}.

audience update modes can be:
- *opt-in* to add new records to the audience
- *opt-out* to remove records from the audience
- *replace* to replace records from the audience

A example of the resulting path is: onboard/audience=00001/opt-in/20221107_132117.csv

  • Send the file to S3 or SFTP

In digitalAudience Portal, the audience is updated the next day. On a platform, the time needed for a segment to update varies per platform. The average time is two days.

We recommend to limit updates for one audience to one file per day.

Last updated